9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (EDT)ISG PREDICTS: Realizing The Paradigm Shift To A Smarter Manufacturing Process

Covid-19 has renewed interest in evaluating the present manufacturing landscape and the value of smart manufacturing takes on an added dimension. Though a significant number of manufacturers are re-strategizing the roadmap to build around capabilities a robust approach should be a blend of a continuity plan, diversification in supplier base, manufacturing process and logistics. This should address the persistent problems of supply chain resiliency, lack of digital skills, handling the data deluge through technology innovation and enabling value creation. Nevertheless, understanding the implications of smart manufacturing and where to implement the right technology in your manufacturing environment can be strenuous. Discover the benefits through this event by re-thinking on the ideation, address existing challenges, planning, value realization and paving the way in building a smart manufacturing ecosystem.

david lewis 
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM (EDT)FEATURED PRESENTATION: Building a Modern Manufacturing Enterprise on the Foundation of IoT, Data-driven Decisioning, and Digital Technologies

The impact of Smart Manufacturing is no longer limited to factories, but has expanded to the end-to-end manufacturing value chain; manufacturing organizations are striving to become modern enterprises comprising of three primary themes: 1. Next Generation Customer Experience; 2. Visibility and Predictability; and  3. Learning Organization. 

Join us for a discussion on the priorities and approaches needed to become a modern manufacturing enterprise based on the foundation of supply chain efficiency and resiliency, Industry 4.0/5.0, the power of data, and adoption of digital technology, along with a discussion on examples of organizations embarking on the journey towards becoming a true modern manufacturing enterprise.

Gautam SardarFEATURED PRESENTATION: Building a Modern Manufacturing Enterprise on the Foundation of IoT, Data-driven Decisioning, and Digital Technologies
10:30 AM - 10:55 AM (EDT)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION: Augmented Reality in the Smart Factory

As travel restrictions abound, companies are mobilizing virtually at an increasing rate. Travel in general is costly and options that eliminate the need for travel tend to pay for themselves after a few uses. This solution also helps in situations where frontline workers need their hands free to perform tasks or maintenance in the field. 
The solution allows SMEs to collaborate in a remote user’s line of sight and direct them in real time with the ability to annotate, send documentation which increases productivity.
Augmented solutions that leverage guided content provides new ways of delivering visual aids and training that aid in decreasing errors.

Jean Kneisler 
10:55 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)INNOVATION LAB: Crafting the Modern Manufacturing Enterprise

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

 INNOVATION LAB: Crafting the Modern Manufacturing Enterprise
11:00 AM - 11:10 AM (EDT)ISG INSIGHTS: Industry 5.0 - Organizational Change Management and Value Realization

Change is inevitable. Regardless of what else is going on in the world, change will continue to occur, and the need for a strategic approach to organizational change management (OCM) has never been greater.  As technological advances create smarter manufacturing processes, along with the need to produce in the most cost-effective way possible, companies must continuously remain on their toes to identify and exploit opportunities and ensure their employees’ knowledge and skills are changing along with the processes and technologies. How should OCM be optimized as key to driving behavior and process changes, while increasing manufactured products? What are key performance indicators to measure success?

Randy Geoghagan 
11:10 AM - 11:40 AM (EDT)PANEL: Industry 5.0 – Smart Factories & Skilled Employees

We have all heard of Industry 4.0 and the evolution of technologies to create smart factories. With these changes, requirements for people on the shop floor have also evolved.  This is Industry 5.0 – today’s industrial revolution - where human and machine find ways to work together to improve efficiency and production. Factory workers are equipped with mobile devices, data analytics, 3D printing, digital wins, augmented reality, and connectivity that permits smarter and faster decision-making. What are the ways in which Industry 5.0 will change your factory? Join our industry experts as they explore questions about how to guide your enterprise through transformation for success.
•    How do you ensure widespread adoption of digitalization (capabilities such as predictive people analytics, digital learning platforms and engagement technologies)? 
•    How can you ensure your factory floor enables the collaboration of people and intelligent machines, rather than opposition?
•    Beyond the soft skills required, what technical skills are required to enhance and support your workforce? 
•    How do you train these workers to embrace the changes that smart manufacturing brings to their daily work?

Adam McMurtrey Alberto Cozer Henning Dransfeld 
11:40 AM - 11:55 AM (EDT)INNOVATION LAB: Mapping the Future with Curiosity

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

11:55 AM - 12:15 PM (EDT)ISG INSIGHTS: The New "Operating Model" for Smart Manufacturing: Agility, Resilience, Flexibility

2020 forced many manufacturers to recognize that resilience is imperative to master current challenges reflecting that change and uncertainty are imminent to the "New Normal". To continue to succeed, there is now an opportunity to reconsider traditional manufacturing operating models by adopting new digital technologies and agile practices. This session provides insights on how you can optimize a "remote-agile" operating model for satisfied customers, employees, and partners. Furthermore, this session provides insights on how successful companies benefit from new opportunities created by the "New Normal" and how agility is the key to success of your organization.

Daniel Gerster 
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM (EDT)PANEL: Supply Chain Resiliency – Manage Through Disruption

Supply chain resiliency has always been an important element of competitive advantage to manufacturers. In earlier generations, it was necessary to own the entire supply chain to ensure a company controlled its own raw supplies, manufacturing, and distribution destiny. Recall the days of 1920s Ford Motor Company making their own steel. Today, leading automobile makers, indeed OEMs in general, have flourished via a distributed supply chain operating model, where nearly all component design, build, and delivery are outsourced across a multi-tiered global supplier network. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the criticality of supply chain resiliency has been laid bare for everyone to witness. So, what is Supply Chain Resiliency? It is the supply chain's ability to be prepared for unexpected risk events, responding, and recovering quickly to potential disruptions to return to its pre-event state or adapt by moving to a new, more desirable state to increase customer satisfaction, market share and financial performance. Manufactures are being forced to recognize their vulnerabilities and with advanced technologies and Industry 4.0 adoption – interconnected sensors, computer vision, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, digital twins, IIOT, and 5G network infrastructure – have proven to increase supply chain resiliency. Our panel of experts will discuss their experiences in managing their supply chains through the economic and technological disruptions and their strategies for the new future.

Richard Chang Catherine Hayes Peri Subrahmanya Scott Dickenson Tim Osborn 
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM (EDT)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION: How GE Appliances Learned From Uncertainty Then Planned For Growth

As stay at home orders swept the nation in 2020, GE Appliances began planning for a recession, but quickly pivoted to respond to record orders and continued growth. Using Industry 4.0 tools, GE Appliances shifted its business model, drove flexibility and responsiveness, and accelerated growth plans throughout its supply chain.

Chad Toney 
1:15 PM - 1:30 PM (EDT)DAY 1 CLOSING THOUGHTS John Lytle 
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM (EDT)Bonus Session with Christian, Manoj & Fredrik: The challenge of making the leap from a pilot to a sustainable commercial model

Modern industrial automation and IOT has created an overabundance of data being generated across ones supply chain, factories and products. There are often repeated bromides like ‘data is the new oil’ and ‘ we have to monetize our data’. Yet there is still little evidence of a company being able to execute managed large scale transformations of their revenue model, their product or their workforce. A lot of forays into IOT find it difficult to make the leap from an interesting pilot to a sustainable commercial model. This discussion explores where the resistance to succeed lies.    

Christian Decker Manoj Mathew Fredrik Oestbye 
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (EDT)ISG PREDICTS: Designing a New Ecosystem for Smart Manufacturing

On their journey to become “real-time, data-driven businesses”, manufacturers need to aggressively embrace collaborative innovation. This includes not only breaking the IT-OT-ET barriers but also dealing with the ecosystem in an entirely new way. The rising software content in the products, the “servitization” of the classical OT Pyramid, and the platform based business models, call for a fundamental change in “who” and “how” you partner with in the ecosystem. Hear ISG Partner and EMEA Smart Manufacturing lead Christian Decker address how manufacturers can turn their ecosystem partners into contributors. What are the common patterns of success and guidelines for mastering the ecosystem game. Hint: expect to break some rules your playbook!

Christian Decker 
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM (EDT)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION: The Convergence of OT and IT – Raising the full Potential of Smart Manufacturing

Our horizontal integration across the entire value chain has now been enhanced through a unique and comprehensive vertical integration: The operation technology (OT) is combined with information technology (IT) capabilities. 
As a result, this provides entirely new findings and optimization potential.
See how Siemens uses this integration, to drive the manufacturing industry modernizing their technology and accelerating digital transformation efforts

Hanna Hennig 
10:30 AM - 10:40 AM (EDT)INNOVATION LAB: The Boardroom Conundrum

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

 INNOVATION LAB: The Boardroom Conundrum
10:40 AM - 10:55 AM (EDT)ISG INSIGHTS: Optimizing Engineering Services

Engineering organizations are at a crossroads. New market forces such as attracting customers by rapidly introducing innovative features, services and experiences, continuously enhancing the product functionality over the lifecycle etc. pose challenges and at the same time opportunities. On the other hand, the playbook for defending “SW-/data enabled“ companies is still being written as engineering organizations tackle some of these challenges for the first time. Hear ISG expert Vishnu Andhare address which high impact areas and use cases engineering organizations are addressing to achieve savings of 15-30% and enable new revenue streams. Most importantly, how are they reorganizing around a new “operating model” which will distinguish the winners from the rest.

Vishnu Andhare 
10:55 AM - 11:25 AM (EDT)PANEL: What Does “World-Class IT” Mean for Your Enterprise?

Everything is connected on the shop floor. Predictive analytics and IoT offer new, exciting opportunities to connect in-house operations and transform processes. 3D printing has been embraced to support rapid prototyping. Technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) make it possible for technicians to provide professional remote assistance to customers, walking through basic troubleshooting and repair operations. How can you ensure your organization is enabled with “world-class IT” to enable a successful smart manufacturing strategy for business? Our panel of industry experts will discuss: • Which best-in-class KPIs need to be tracked to measure success? • What technological advances should manufacturers be prepared for in next year, 5-years, 10 years? • How do you know which solutions will deliver the most value to your organization? • What are the best practices towards security in an integrated IT+OT environment? • What technologies can you use to augment rather than replace your workforce?

Mathias Schenk Ron Norris Bruce Eng Ben Davis Rajat SabharwalPANEL: What Does “World-Class IT” Mean for Your Enterprise?
11:25 AM - 11:55 AM (EDT)FEATURED PRESENTATION: Perfect-Fit Apps for Best-in-Class Field Services

Transforming into a best-in-class field service organization (FSO) happens by being innovative, not by following what everyone else is doing. It’s the result of infusing your FSO with modern technology. Why settle for off-the-shelf service solutions that don’t address 100 percent of your requirements or pay for functionality that you don’t need? With OutSystems, you design and deliver the things that matter most to your business.
Learn how OutSystems expedites your transformation efforts with perfect-fit apps that infuse your FSO with modern technology to make it more efficient, agile, and differentiated, and see a demo that showcases:
- Efficient planning and dispatching of field work
- Intuitive technician enablement and back office support
- Achieving service consistency, service level agreements, and higher customer satisfaction
- Easy updates and changes

Phil BartholoFEATURED PRESENTATION: Perfect-Fit Apps for Best-in-Class Field Services
11:55 AM - 12:10 PM (EDT)INNOVATION LAB: Innovation Through Software

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

 INNOVATION LAB: Innovation Through Software
12:10 PM - 12:25 PM (EDT)ISG INSIGHTS: Autonomous Driving 2.0

Leading automotive companies are currently working on high and fully automated vehicles leveraging digital technologies to extract business value and create new customer experiences. COVID-19 has even further amplified technical and commercial challenges and now requires all the more a holistic view. A cost-efficient approach which is adopting an end-to-end perspective across customers, the enterprise and the ADAS ecosystem is even more critical than before. But where to start and what should you do to optimize or re-set your ADAS capabilities? In this session, ISG will talk about real-life examples and shed some light on how leading automotive enterprises have approached these challenges.

Philipp Glatz 
12:25 PM - 12:55 PM (EDT)PANEL: How do you Confront the Implications of a Connected Product?

Smart technologies such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality are crucial to understanding a smart product’s performance, the customers’ interactions with it, and deepening the customer relationship. By having a better grasp of customer data and behavior, customer retention and satisfaction can be greatly improved. What are the implications of connected products and the data those products drive back from the customer to the shopfloor? Our panel of experts will answer questions such as: • What are examples of how data is processed to ensure continuous improvement and customer satisfaction? • How can you transform and elevate your customers’ experiences using technologies such as artificial intelligence? • How can data be used to gain a better understanding of the quality of the product or service on your existing and potential customer base? • What are the best ways translate data to discover your customers’ needs, wants and value potential?

Ravi Prasad Shriram Natarajan Madhu Bangalore Chetan Gupta Krishna BalaPANEL: How do you Confront the Implications of a Connected Product?
12:55 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)FINAL THOUGHTS: Turning Notes into Actions

After two days of great content, what do you do with it? ISG’s John Lytle will provide guidance on what your next steps should be to prepare your organization for next generation manufacturing!

John Lytle 
Time Zone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) [Change Time Zone]